4 Reviews
Great for lamb burgers
Once again, we served your ground lamb as burgers Shabbos/Chanuka dinner and we, our guests, & our children were overwhelmed by the phenomenal taste. "How many can I have, Mommy? Are there any left, Mommy? Maybe we should count and see how many each person can have?" Keep in mind this is 4lbs of meat for 4 adults and 5 children following everyone's already having eaten a fish course. In fact, I am shocked to say as I realize this, they go more crazy over your meat than over desserts & treats! What an incredible blessing and gift you have given us.
Mar 21st 2021Amazing lamb
I made two KOL Foods briskets, and the most *amazing* lamb meatballs. People really loved the brisket, but kind of lost their minds over the lamb. <3
Oct 16th 2020