KOL Foods Cooking Tips 

The Grass-Fed Difference

There is a bit of a learning curve to cooking with grass-fed meat because its chemical make up is significantly different (specifically, healthier fat) and requires different cooking methods. Folks that are used to cooking with conventional meat sometimes have a hard time in the beginning. Be sure to follow these simple steps to achieve delicious dishes that will make you and your family never want to go back to conventional meat. Most importantly avoid overcooking. Grass-fed meat and pastured poultry are leaner than grain-fed and will cook in less time!

Our Top Tip 

Use a meat thermometer! The best way to ensure your meat is tender and delicious is to test the temperature to evaluate doneness. No one can tell the exact temperature of meat simply by looking, and a few degrees may make the difference between perfectly cooked and overdone. At KOL Foods, we always recommend cooking our meat to a maximum temperature of medium rare. Our recommended temperatures are as follows.

For Grass-Fed Beef & Lamb

  • Rare 120°F
  • Medium Rare 125°F

For Poultry

  • Always 165°F
  • For dark meat, we prefer a slightly higher temperature

For Salmon

  • Medium Rare 120-125°F
  • Medium 130°F 


Other Helpful Hints 

Marinate, marinate, marinate! This is a great way to infuse flavor into your KOL Foods products, and for the leaner cuts it becomes a crucial piece of tenderizing the meat. Be sure to include an acidic component in your marinade, such as citrus juice or vinegar, which will work to break down the proteins of the meat. For most cuts we recommend marinating for at least two hours, but oftentimes overnight is even better!