Many folks who know the issues with factory animal farming pursue "pasture-raised" or "organic" meat. But we believe that these standards are just the beginning of a greater and more encompassing system that can restore the land. Sustainable is not enough. KOL Foods is committed to changing the paradigm and seeks net positive carbon sequestration – not net neutral. By supporting farmers who practice regenerative grazing, consumers can feel that they are no longer doing "less bad," but actually doing "more good" for their own health, the lives of the animals, and the overarching ecosystem.
Our poultry is beyond organic and free-range: it's 100% pastured and organic-fed.
Our beef and lamb are beyond pastured: they're regeneratively raised, 100% grass-fed, and 100% grass-finished on regenerative farms. They meet the highest standard of the American Grassfed Association.
Cycle of Nature vs Cycle of Industry
The KOL Foods Way is a simple, regenerative system in which the only inputs are the sun and rain. This natural cycle begins with grass-eating cattle that spread their manure over a large area as they move around the meadow. In turn, the bugs, grubs and parasites that help break down the manure provide food for pasture-raised chickens, thus insuring that the cattle don't acquire parasite diseases and stay healthy. All this grazing and natural fertilizer is also great for the pasture which then absorbs excess carbon in the atmosphere.
Grain-fed farming disrupts the cycle of nature. This system includes conventional, pastured, & vegetarian-fed beef as well as conventional, organic free-range, & cage free poultry. It treats animals as though they are cogs in a machine, and is dependent upon non-renewable resources and inputs from Big Pharma and Big Ag (which receive huge taxpayer subsidies). 95% of beef and 99% of chicken in the US are raised in feedlots and CAFOs. It also results in billions of dollars of health issues and environmental clean-up. Cheap meat isn't so cheap after all.
KOL Foods is the only source for glatt-kosher,
100% grass-fed regenerative domestic beef
and heritage poultry.