Roast Turkey Legs with Mango Salsa

"As a self-taught cook who now has a client with a requirement for Paleo-diet menu items, a diet that only allows for grass-fed meat, I was excited when KOL Foods reached out for a potential partnership. I believe in their product and in their mission and I wanted a chance to delve into some of their products. And delve I did! I was sent some delicious turkey legs that my hubby wanted to simply roast up and eat Medieval like but I wanted to get a bit more creative and play the flavors that are coming in season in Miami. I also didn’t want to work with the same ol’ expected turkey flavors—-sage, marjoram, thyme, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all those flavors but again, I wanted to experiment. The following is my experiment and it.was.delicious! The flavors of the salsa are strong but mix well with the natural light flavors of the turkey and I’m ALWAYS a suckers for turkey drippings mixed with honey marinade." - Jewhungry, the blog
For Marinade:
- 3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
- 2 Cloves of Garlic, minced
- 1 Tablespoon of Honey
- Juice of half a lime
- Sea Salt
- Pepper
- Dash of Cayenne
For Salsa:
- 1/2 Mango, diced
- 1 Small Purple Onion, diced
- 1 Jalapeno, diced
- 1 Bunch of Cilantro, chopped
- Juice of 1/2 of lime (add more if you need)
- Dash of Sea Salt
- Dash of Garlic Powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the ingredients for the marinade in a small bowl. Place turkey legs in a roasting dish. Using a basting brush, slather marinade on turkey legs, cover dish and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. At this point, the coconut oil in the marinade with harden a bit but this is typical. Once the turkey legs have marinated for at least 30 minutes, uncover and place in the oven. Make sure you baste constantly. In my mind, you can not over baste. Turkey legs will take about an hour to cook, maybe more, depending on how often you baste.
While turkey is cooking, combine salsa ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Once turkey is complete, top turkey with salsa.