Lamb Stock Grilled Polenta

This polenta is delicious when served hot. However if served cold, the flavor of the lamb stock becomes ever so slightly more pronounced, so try some of this at room temperature with a glass of red wine or port.

Serve topped with brussel sprouts, caramelized with lemon, balsamic and maple syrup or with any lamb dish.


  • 2 cups of coarsely ground corn meal (polenta)
  • 1 cup KOL Foods lamb stock
  • 3 cups water
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper

Measure 2 cups of polenta and set aside. Put your lamb stock in a thick based pot over a medium heat.

Add three cups of water to the lamb stock to keep the the grain:liquid ratio at 1:2 (2 cups of liquid to every cup of grain). Bring to the boil then lower the temperature.

Slowly pour the grain into the liquid, whisking the polenta gently while you pour. Add freshly ground salt and black pepper to taste; continue to whisk the polenta gently until it begins to firm up. This should take no more than five minutes – and you’ll know when it happens. It’s one of those culinary aha! moments.

Line a 9 inch square baking dish with baking paper and pour in the hot polenta and do not trim the edge of the baking paper. When it comes to remove the polenta from the fridge, you’ll want to lift it out of the baking dish by lifting the paper. Smooth the top of the polenta with a rubber spatula, cover with plastic wrap and set it in the fridge for 2 – 24 hours.

Using a 9 inch square dish should give you slices of polenta that are about 1 inch thick. This is a very generous portion, but you end up with a crispy grilled outside and moist and juicy inside. You can use a larger dish for thinner slices, or cut the polenta into smaller slices when you grill it later on.

When you’re ready to grill the polenta, remove it from the fridge and gently lift from the baking dish. set it on a cutting board then peel back the baking paper.

Cut into the desired portion shape and size.

Preheat a grill skillet and lightly brush both sides of the polenta with olive oil. Let it cook for about three minutes, or until you have those beautiful grill marks, then flip and cook for another three minutes. Remove from the skillet.

The polenta is delicious when served hot. However if served cold, the flavor of the lamb stock becomes ever so slightly more pronounced, so try some of this at room temperature with a glass of red wine or port.