Lamb Shoulder Chops with Herb Pesto

Lamb chops topped with pesto are a surprising but unbelievably delicious combination. The mixture of fresh and creamy herbs atop a tender, grass fed lamb chop is something you won't soon forget! 


  • Four 10‐ or 12‐ounce lamb shoulder chops, roughly ½ inch thick
  • Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper
  • ¼ cup extra‐virgin olive oil
  • ½ cup herbs (suggestion: mint, parsley, and basil)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Juice and zest of half a lemon

Pat chops dry with paper towel. Preheat grill pan over medium‐high heat, or light grill. When pan or coals are quite hot, place shoulder chops on grill or pan and cook, undisturbed, until seared, about 4 minutes per side. To check for doneness, slide a sharp knife into thickest section of steaks; they should be slightly less done than you like them. If you need to check a second time, make a second incision elsewhere on the steak.

When steaks are done, remove from heat to plate or cutting board, tent with foil, and allow to rest while you make the pesto:

In a blender, mix herbs, garlic, lemon juice and zest, and olive oil until smooth and uniform. Add salt and pepper to taste.

When steaks have rested 5 minutes, plate, top with a generous spoonful of the pesto, and serve.